Why do people like to touch my pregnant tummy? How do I tell them not to?

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They are probably excited to meet your little one and want to say hello! The best way is to simply telling them straight (but politely) that you are not comfortable with people touching you (people often forget that your bump is a part of your body as well). Or you can try a nonverbal approach by putting your hands on your bump (to signal that you do not welcome their advances) or turning your body (slightly) away from them as they approach you. For people whom you are closer to, you can even try reaching out to their tummies as they reach for yours. Perhaps, then, they will understand how uncomfortable it is for you.

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Thành viên VIP

I knowww right? I also don't like people rubbing my tummy like gennie will come after that. Try to talk about this with hubby and he calmly answer, they just want me to know that they care. Some people rub it because they miss being pregnant, he said. So enjoy the moment when you are becoming the center of attention like celebrity :)

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Thành viên VIP

They're probably just trying to show affection to the unborn baby. I was okay with people touching my belly bump, but if you're not, you could tell them direct, or wear this shirt if you're feeling shy.

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One trick i learned is, i put my hands on top of my baby bump. So if a person wants to touch my belly, my hands are covering it and i can politely push away the other's hand. Hope this'll help!

Thành viên VIP

The first time someone touched my pregnant belly I was shocked - but then after I kinda liked it - felt like baby was getting attention and love :)

Just politely shift back when they do and then smile and say baby does not like it when people touch my belly. Hope you understand. :P

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Samantha, the tee can be purchased here: http://www.cafepress.com/+don't-touch-my-belly+womens-maternity

Thành viên VIP

Thanks Jamie! That is a really cute t-shirt. Where can I buy that?
