Which week did you give birth?

Hi! At which week did you mummies gave birth? Normal or c-sect? Gender and weight of baby at birth? Would like to prepare myself as my edd is getting near 😍

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Super Mom

37 weeks 3 days 2.2 kg C-sec Healthy and all's good for discharge after 3 days

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4y trước

I see.. thank you! 🥰

Mine is normal gave birth at 34 weeks. Male and 2.1 kg

Influencer của TAP

1st 37 week c sec 3kg 2nd 38 week c sec 3.1kg

Exactly 38 weeks. C section Female, 3.5kg

1st child 38w. 2nd child 40w. both normal

40w3d by c-sec, baby girl weight 2.9kh

Thành viên VIP

37 weeks , normal. baby girl , 2.9kg

Thành viên VIP

37W3D by c-sec. Baby girl weighed 3.23 kg

4y trước

Ahh I see thank you! Because based on my recent check up, my placenta is mid-low hence I have another scan in two week’s time. If it doesn’t go up, I might have to go for c-sect! So I’m just preparing myself ☺️ thank you and I’m glad you’re all recovered!

Thành viên VIP

35th week, C-sec, baby boy healthy

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38 weeks, normal, baby girl 2.2 kg