34 Replies

1st child, 39w, natural with 21hrs of labour, 3.5, he will 14 end if march(2007 baby) 2nd child,39w, natural with 7hrs of labour with epidural, 3.4, he will be 9 end of november (2012 baby), also gave me false alarms twice 😬 Currently pregnant at 24w(2nd tri) with 3rd child Mummy, every mummy is different, every body is different with different experiences. I wish u all the best for your upcoming delivery! 🥰

My twins ( 1 boy and 1 girl) born at 34 weeks with water bag broke at home. Boy came out first at 1.7kg, after 3 minutes girl came out at 2.4kg via emergency c section as doctors try to stop the contraction and babies to come out but couldnt.. The twins couldnt wait to see their love ones. so they stay in NICU about 2 weeks before going home with me..

VIP Member

My baby was a girl and she was born earlier from EDD...I delivered her by normal and her weight was 2.685 kg.. Best wishes for you...hope everything will going good and smooth..

Thank you! Yes I’m so kiasu 😂 I dah prepare hospital bag 😂 just left with a few more things to put in haha. Thanks once again!

my baby boy came at wk 39 via vaginal birth, he was 3.41kg. all the best, keep calm and don't worry! everything will fall into place when your time comes

first was 40weeks plus 2 days emergency c-set 3.8kg second was 35.5 weeks water bag brust, oso emergency c-set 2.6kg

Super Mum

My youngest boy was born at 36 weeks via vaginal birth. He was a tiny one at 2.1kg. All the best!

He went home with me! (: We were there for 2 nights

VIP Member

40 weeks. normal. baby 2.2kg , dr claim abit small for full term baby but now my baby is growing healthy. 😉

Okie thank you! 🥰

I give birth at week 39 under normal delivery. A baby boy weighed 3.14kg. All the best and be prepared.

VIP Member

39 weeks + 4 days. C sect, Baby girl 2.7 Kgs Good luck and best wishes to you and your family 🙂

Thank you so much! 🥰

36 & 37 weeks! Natural birth. Gave birth to both genders and they weigh between 2.4kg - 3.08kg.

Thank you! So glad your baby girl is fine and healthy 🥰

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