which trimester was your appetite the best?

At which trimester was your appetite the best ? Seems like 3rd trimester, wont eat so much as baby occupy much of the space. But it doesnt seem like it for me, as i ate most during 3rd trimester. And i can eat quite alot.

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1st. Then I have to go on diuretic diet on 2nd tri because of sugar

Influencer của TAP

2nd Tri onwards I lost 5kg during 1st Tri whole pregnancy gain 22kg

Super Mom

2nd and 3rd. I had most craving during my 3rd tri though haha..

2nd and 3rd until the doc told me to control my eating hahaha

me from mid of 2nd up to 3rd trimester.. lalo na kanin😌

Thành viên VIP

BEST is third trimester for me. VERY HUNGRY 24/7 😂

Super Mom

3rd trimester, after the baby moved down a little

I ate throughout the whole pregnancy! 😅

End of 2nd trimester and beginning of 3rd!

i eat best at 2nd tri! in fact alot haha