No appetite at third trimester
Hi mummies,i'm in my third trimester now,currently i had not been eating a proper meal and ate only junk foods like biscuit etc.Is it normal? cause i don't feel like eating meals anymore and just ate junk foods all day#firstbaby #1stimemom #advicepls

My appetite also decreased in late third tri as I felt bloated most of the time. Do still try to eat regular food and try to eat smaller portions throughout the day. I think it's okay to snack but do try to not make it your only form of food intake as junk doesn't have much nutritional value and babies do grow the most in third trimester. I personally snacked a lot but I tried to only allow myself to snack after a regular meal (portion cut down per meal).
Read morei think its normal as diff mummies experience diff symptoms. but suggest you still take supplements daily as per yr gynae's guidance so that both you n bb are getting sufficient nutrients.. and also avoid overdose on sugar🙃 jiayou!
this can be happened. because there is not much room left in your belly now . But healthy eating is essential. because your baby gain half his/her weight during this period.
try taking small meals and split meals. Have to try to eat alil more healthily cause 3rd tri baby is gaining more fats to protect themselves.
Hi, Please keep in check your sugar intake and also try having more fruits as that is good sugar (fructose) for your body :)
Watch your sugar intake. You don’t want to get GD last minute or gigantic baby with a chance of hypoglycaemia.
Try to eat healthy. Like a slice of fruits, oatmeal or yogurt.
Eat things that u enjoy other than biscuits.