Which brand’s baby cereal is good for 10Months baby? Abd which flavour ?
Which brand’s baby cereal is good for 10Months baby? Abd which flavour ?
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Gerber and Origins. Original no added flavors better, as you can add own homemade fruits purée or banana/avocado instead.
Hey. You may find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/getting-started-on-solid-food-with-infant-cereals
Cerelac. Flavour depends on what baby likes ... better to choose rice based ones
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Gerber, the Healthy times oatmeal cereal for babies, or cooked rolled oats 😊
I've been giving my 10 months boy Gerber since he was 6 months old.
Gerber is really good. Plus you can customise it with fruits :)
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I gave my dau Friso
Nestle Gerber
Nestle Gerber
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