full cream milk vs formula milk

Which is better for 1 year old... Full cream milk or stage 3 formula milk?

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Super Mom

Hi mama, I realise this can be really tough as there’re so many kinds of milk to choose from. Any PD will recommend fresh milk from the age of 1 (unless your child is lactose intolerant or has allergies) and I really believe the choice between fresh milk, UHT milk and formula milk is about practicality and economies of scale. In tough times such as these, I personally feel that providing all 3 of my children with formula will be crazy expensive as they consume high amounts of milk :) we can get through at least 5L a week! So I’ve opted for fresh milk. I picked this for other reasons as well, one most important one being that they’ve grown to love dairy too which is a great source of protein and calcium. Of course since there’s no DHA there or OMEGA3 I ensure they have a good balanced diet - oily fish like salmon, cod, lots of green leafy veggies, proteins like lean beef and pork, of course chicken…I try to have our children eat a rainbow. My belief is that by doing so, they learn to appreciate the nutrition in natural food sources and that they don’t learn to substitute right away with other things. Oh and when we travel, they’re good with ANY glass of milk - which saves so much hassle ;) But like I said, this is just one perspective. Whatever you give your child is best for your little one coz you are doing you!!! Make a decision for your family that’s best for all of you. Hope this helps!

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3y trước

Thank you so much for your reply. I am trying to get my little boy to drink fresh milk. But for now he loves his Dutch Lady Full Cream milk...