Hello, where do you celebrate your LO 1 year old birthday?

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My void deck! Haha kind of, we had a buffet lunch there - but it was for needy families and not with my immediate/extended family :) We did a small family cake cutting at home, and also had a cake smash photoshoot!

We did not celebrate his first year birthday. Its just another day. A birthday celebration for a year old baby maybe too overwhleming.

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For my 1st Child, we did a home party. 2nd child we just head for a simple japanese buffet with family!

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I did it at condo function room. Where we did a fun cake smash! Only family. No guests. So about 10-12 of us.

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7y trước

Sorry for tagging on, where did you get the cake? The photo is simply lovely!

1yo too young to understand anything. wait till 3yo. best age to celebrate!

It was where i work, in a juvenile girls home! lol

just dinner with my family at swensen

Open a party at home ~