kid throwing tantrums

When your kid is being naughty (throwing tantrums, shouting and screaming) and you tried to stop your kid. But the in-law is encouraging all the naughty acts. So do i disciple the child only after i get home?

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Super Mom

How do they encourage? Don't hesitate to discipline your kid when he is doing something wrong. If you do it at home, your kid might not remember his mistakes. Even if he did, next time he might use his grandparents as a shield as he knows that you won't do anything infront of them.

6y trước

Actually i see them encouraging their grandchildren from my hub's siblings.. so im afraid , i might not know what to do 😂 Thanks for your advise, i shld stand firm

6y trước

Thank you

Hi, In this case please have a talk with you in-laws and tell them why is this a concern for you

6y trước

In fact, as they are in-laws. It always seem like misunderstanding would occur whenever we communicate, becos they interpret things differently. It was so serious to the point one of the in-law decided to complain to my hub's siblings n they wanna confront me.. The above issue, was a miscom becos in-law asked me how much is the dinner, as my hub gave them a treat. It was an exp dinner, which i do not wish them to feel the pinch, so i replied as its ok, its our treat. In-law mis-interpret that i looked down on him by not teling him the dinner price 😂 and made a big cry that i insulted him

Thành viên VIP

Personally I'll discipline my child in front of my in laws so that it won't happen again(:

6y trước

Does your in law try to stop you ?

Thành viên VIP

Try to talk and explain to your in law.