Doctor consultation

When should consult doctor after confirming pregnancy #firstbaby #1stimemom #1stpregnnt #1stpregnnt #1stimemom #firstbaby

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immediately. especially if u want to choose a popular gynae, you will want to make an appointment asap due to their busy schedule of patients.

Depends. I will go on my 5th weeks onwards. so that they can do a scanning & etc.. as fr earlier, they will prolly just give u follic acid...

Can go to polyclinic for a confirmation. Also, you can get a referral to the public hospitals 🙂 enjoy the journey!

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i went to gp & confirmed too. the gp said also to call ASAP. but today sat, hospital halfday. so monday morning call.

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i called immediately in week 1 to make appointment after week 6

as soon as you find out about the pregnancy :)

3mo trước

me have to check 3 times then i can arrange appt with doctor just incase false alarm. as i got force alarm twice

เทืสืวท ฝไ

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after tested positive

As soon as possible
