When is the right time to stop my baby from wearing diaper? Is there any sign I have to look out for?

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The right time differs. There is no one age fits all. If your child can communicate such as the difference of pee and poo. Dry Diapers for a longer period of time. There is also infant potty training, which is widely used in Western countries. Don't rush and take it slow

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how old is your baby? The time to start potty training is when your child is able to communicate saying that she has pooped or she is pooping at the moment. Once she is able to tell you that, it will be much easier and less traumatising for them to go thru the training

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If you can potty train her successfully then she won't need to wear diaper. Probably around 3 years old? Some kids are faster some are slower. Some still need to wear diapers at night or when they poo