58 Replies

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I think a minimum of 3 months is needed before you go back to work. But of coz it can be earlier or later base on ur own preferences.

I extended and went back after LO turns 6mo. Strangely my ambition to climb the corporate ladder just vanished after having a baby.

I feel like this would happen to me once my little pepper pops out.

VIP Member

I guess there's no definite right time, it's more like when you're ready. You could look around for a part time job instead(:

Depends on individual. U have to weigh ur priorities in order to decide when is the right time for u to return to work.

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After 16 weeks. I guess there's no "right" time but if you need more time you should speak to your manager (:

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There is no right time. Return when you are ready. Some don’t return to work if they decide to be SAHM

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Depends on you and your boss really. See if your boss is willing to give you "extra leave" after your ML

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I feel that 6 months is a good time. Cant take a too long break or u would lose the momentum at work.

It depends on individual and I don't think there's right and wrong..I went back after 4 months

VIP Member

Went back after 4mth ML. If given a choice, prefer to do as SAHM to be part of LO growing up

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