5 Replies

I informed my employer when I found out I was pregnant. I'm thankful they were very supportive and kept me away from heavy duty work (like carrying items) and I also excused myself from many work events that have massive crowd. My co workers also started keeping out for me and really took good care of me during the time. As a responsibility, informing employer early will also ensure they have ample time to plan for your work while you are away. I would suggest no later than 4 months.

Good question, got me thinking for a while. I guess it depends. Id say, to tell as early once you have found out. Then again, is there a real need to keep them informed?

Suggest to read up policy or ask hr… mine Was to give heads up 4 Months before taking maternity leave

I informed after visiting gynae at 5 weeks plus so that I can work from home during first trimester.
