10 Replies

Hi totally understand how you feel as my baby chose my helper over me too when I went back to work. I was hurt and heartbroken. I didn’t have anyone else who could help me. They will naturally choose those whom they spend most of their time with. Just try to spend as much time as possible with your LO. Once they grow up they will know who mummy and daddy is. It’s also good that your baby is able to bond with others and also better that it’s a family member. Look on the bright side - that means your MIL is taking very good care of your LO!

Happens to me too. I told my wife my bb doesnt want daddy. Haha. I feel so sad as well when it first happen, even thought i am not the one carrying her for 9 months or giving birth. But i paid for most if her expenses, milk powder, diapers, insurance , medical, toys , clothing etc... yet.. she doesn't want me.. cos all those things my bb definitely doesn't know.. anyway. I believe when bb grow up. She will know. For now she is only a kid... like most comment here says, at least my bb is close to relative and not some strangers.

Please don't feel sad dear. She's just a baby. Babies tend to stick to those that spend more time with them and not just that, they know those who actually love and care for them. It only shows your Mil loves her. Probably you don't spend more time with her due to work and the fact she chose Mil at that time doesn't mean you don't love or care for her. With time, as she grows older, she'd realise how special you are to her ( whether you are always away at work or not)and She'll show it.

VIP Member

Don't be sad. Same here. I spent more time with my baby and play with him a lot too. However, when he is not feeling well and cried non stop, only mil can stop him. Mil play with him every evening for one hour. I dont mind he prefer granny over parents as long mil don't overly control my baby

Aiyo.. u have a lifetime to bond with her and opportunities aplenty. Your baby is always gonna be yours, not MIL’s. Jealous is okay but need to remind yourself in another perspective your baby is blessed to have so many ppl love her and wanna take care of her.

There there. Hugs. I would feel super heartbroken too. Do what you think cn ease your heart. If it means to put baby in infant care, do so cz sometimes husbands may not really understand our motherly instincts. Husbands should put our interests at heart.

Spend more time with your bb like after work and weekends. Even if baby cry for mil. Just tske over whenever u can. And start bonding with bb.

VIP Member

Nono, don’t feel upset. As for me, I rather my baby be close to my MIL who is a relative, rather than the infant care teacher who is a stranger.

My hubby says that too.. but i thought baby wil not be close to the teacher as she will “know” it’s a school.. my heart broke when she stretched her arms over to mil😭

It's normal. My younger daughter prefers the helper over us sometimes. It's a matter of how much time the kids spend time with

I know how you feel, you staying with your mil? When you working your mil taking care of your baby?

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