Stopping breastfeeding
When can I stop breastfeeding my baby? Is there a minimum time period to follow or baby will not get the benefits of breast milk?

If your body allows, Best to breastfeed exclusive until baby turns 6 months old. Then slowly wean off. It would be great if you continue breastfeed for more than 6 months. For me, breastfeeding timing is the best bonding time for both of us! The moment when the baby looks at you is sooo precious.
Read moreI think recommended is minimum 6months of breastfeeding, but I think no matter for how long, as long as got feed breast milk baby will definitely get the benefits. ☺️
There’s no time frame per say, but encourage to bf as Long as possible. I felt that it is really beneficial for baby. After I stop, he get sick easily :(
Minimum exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months as per who standard and then extended breastfeeding for as long as you can (2-4 years)
Just give up when you think you cannot take it. There is no hard and fast rule
Best is till at least 6 Mo but I would continue as long as my baby wants!
Give the precious gold to your lo as Long as you could. :)
I would think at least one year.. :)
I would say, as long as you could.
Minimum 6mth breastmilk