baby kicks

when me and my husband first found out i was pregnant, we fought alot and he left me so many times and was emotionally abusive. so i went thru the first trimester more alone than expected. one month ago on the day of baby’s first kick (i was 16 weeks) we had a huge fight that resulted to my emotional breakdown and i’ve been so depressed eversince then. now im 20 weeks, and my husband has changed (shows). he has apologised and he has tried his best to be a better husband for the past two and a half week. and i’ve forgiven him but it still hurts. anyways, we realised that whenever he touches my stomach when baby is kicking, baby will stop kicking. and it only happens with him. whenever i touch or my sister touches or even my brother, he will kick as though in excitement. but the moment my husband touches, he will stop. my husband has yet to feel his first kick. is it normal that the baby doesnt kick when their father touches? my husband is thinking that baby is emotionally hurt by his past actions but i dont know (i wish i could ask the baby hahaha) any ideas?

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I’m more concern about your marriage & mental stability than the kicking. To know that your baby is kicking proved that your baby is healthy. 😉 But do consider marriage counselling. It’s good for the long run.. especially before the baby’s arrival.