When does baby's separation anxiety (from me) go away? She's so clingy! I mean, I love that she loves me so much. But sometimes it gets quite inconvenient; plus it upsets her grandparents/aunts - sometimes, even her dad - that she won't go with them (if they take her from me).

Here’s a great article on how to help your baby cope with separation anxiety: http://sg.theasianparent.com/helping-your-child-deal-with-separation-anxiety/ In general, it is about teaching your baby to be independent and self-reliant. You can do so by giving him or her autonomy in choosing what they want to wear, what toys to play with, what to eat etc. Also, always talk to your child about temporary separation. Explain the reason why you need to be away. Never sneak off without telling your baby that you are going away. It could also be that your baby is experiencing stranger anxiety. It is a common behavior showcased by babies when they are about six months old. They get anxious about being around people they are unfamiliar with. They will react by clinging onto you or crying when others try to hold them. While it is natural that you will worry she is not mingling well with other, but this also signifies that your baby has come to recognize you as her source of comfort. In addition, as your baby learns to crawl and move around, her anxiety will ensure that she will still stay within close proximity and not wander off too far. Stranger anxiety is unlikely to disappear completely but will lessen with time. To help her cope with this anxiety, first try to calm your baby when she is having a meltdown. After the baby is more relaxed, reintroduce her to the friend/relative and allow your baby to decide how much contact she wants with the person. You must also stay calm and confident so that your baby will feel reassured. When your baby recognized that the other person appeared to be someone you trust, there is a higher chance that she will be more accepting of that person. As she grows, always explain to her that you understand her anxiety but she could also learn to trust those close to the family. This will help build her socializing skills. Here is a great article you can refer to for more information on stranger anxiety: http://www.secretsofbabybehavior.com/2010/01/when-stranger-anxiety-isnt-only-for.html
Read moreIt varies from babies to babies! My daughter had separation anxiety when she was about 7months up until only 8+ months and my 6+ months son only recently had his. My cousin's son is 1.5 years old and still clings onto his mummy whenever they're in someone else's home and screams murder if someone tries to pick him up. I think it's best to let your child to mix around with other people aside from yourself as much as he/she can. My daughter is such a social butterfly, she can make friends with any kid in less than 5 minutes so it's been quite easy for me to "dump" her at her enrichment classes before I rush off to work. Have play dates with your neighbours, cousins, friends' kids or join playgroups and activities that involve other kids as well.
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