10 Replies

I started my son with cruzee balance bike since he is 1.5 years old. I yet to transfer him to 2 wheels bike as I want to wait till he is older, i.e. 3 years old. Good thing about started with balance bike is kid can skip using supported wheel when ride on bicycle as they have learned balance well. For my daugther, she can ride on bicycle since she is 4.5 years old, but with supported wheels. She can't ride on 2 wheels bicycle alone yet.

Think it depends on how ready your child is. According to my sister, my mother bought me a tricycle when I was two but I did not take to it. Later, I was more than thrilled to learn cycling when I was nine (yes, a little late I know). But never looked back since. I know of friends who started their toddlers around three years old where their sense of balance and coordination are better. :)

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Train your baby when she's turning 2. My baby start before 2 and now she's 2 and 6months she's very good now riding a bicycle..

VIP Member

I see. My daughter's just too envious seeing other kids ride their bike. Thanks! :)
