Work Out

When is the best time to start workout after 44days of confinement?

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Once your body is stable i guess. Start with those light exercise. But do we really have time to exercise after the confinement. Haha.

6y trước

Hahahahha.. good qus.. maybe yes maybe no.. but still need to get healthy & tighten up our Ms V for the hubby & me too.. 😅

Hi, If you feel that your body is ready then may be you can start with light exercise like Brisk walking, yoga etc.

Thành viên VIP

Hi... when your body is ready and please start with light exercises such as jogging or swimming

Thành viên VIP

When ur body ready to workout .. start with slighter version ..

Thành viên VIP

You can start slowly after that, brisk walking etc

Thành viên VIP

Can start light exercise if you body ready...

If you feel it's right