Pregnancy kit tested positive but went for a scan at ard wk 5, but nothing was detected. Anybody encounter such issue?
Constipation, frequent urination, bloating, slightly nauseous, weird taste in my mouth. Currently going to 10 weeks.
Anyone having headaches and feeling hangover/motion sickness everyday , every minute (when ure not lying down)
3rd pregnancy, 5weeks or so. had diarrhea and constantly sleepy, hungry. tender boobs, sensitive nipples.
hi I am experiencing the same thing too! how long did the diarrhea take to stop?
I’m at my 5th week, I have constantly brown secretion after toilet for 10days already, is that normal?
hi,may I ask,i am 7 week pregnant now.i experience white flesh discharge when I pass it normal
Sore boobs then a missed period. 2 wks later, morning sickness, heightened sense of smell and fatigue.
Horrible nausea, consume whatever food or smell food i vomit all out and kept crying for nothing
very bad morning sickness. no appetite. very very tired. had bleeding and cramps.
Feels extreme tiredness, a little bit dizzy, sore boobs and mood swings
Carrie Tan