Oh trust me, there’s a lot more from where that came from. It’s just boys being boys. They want to have a place to joke around with, someone with the same head as them as much as we want someone with the same head as us. Women are more emotional and we don’t talk much about men after we are married especially but men, men they still do. They are just processed that way. Perhaps talk to him but most likely he will just brush you off. Well at least he knows you’re aware of the way he msgs. For me, I don’t check my husband’s phone at all. I don’t want to know anything. I will just assume everything is alright until my instincts tell me otherwise. Most importantly, if you’re checking his phone, most likely you’re going to have trust issues. Or already having trust issues. Don’t go there.
not only is he disrespectful towards you, but also to women. men tend to sexualise women just because they think they have the rights to do so because women "dressed a certain way". why the need to say can see but cannot touch? what if other men speaks that way of you or his friends' wives? they obviously wouldn't like it. tell him to imagine someone saying that about his daughter if he has one. this is a huge red flag for me. i wouldn't wanna be with someone who sexualises women and share it with his friends and they all get together and talk about they can see but cannot touch. disrespectful to the wife, the marriage, the family and women. you can adore someone's physical looks but you don't have to share it around like a bunch of hungry for sex douches.
Thank you 😀 appreciate your replies
My opinion - what a disrespectful fool that I married, even in times of folly. Am I too sensitive? Doubt so, respect goes both ways. All I'll ask him is - I'll do exactly the same with my gfs. If you're OK with the idea, I'll be accepting of your banter with your mates. If not, then stop.
I don't agree with this behaviour and will ask my hubs upfront about his motivation behind such remarks
Yes I have done so. I updated the post with his reply and oso attached the screenshot of the sick msg.
I find it a little bit disgusting.. hais
I really really hate how that sounds!!!
I'll 🙄🙄