What do you do when your baby hates the carseat? He would cry and scream every time we put him there. Any tips?

We make sitting in the car seat like playing for the twins and kept toys in the car so they only get to play with the these toys in the cars. Singing is also something I do all the time if I travel alone with them. Else me or my helper sits at the back with them. Took sometime but after awhile it gets better. Try to also keep the journeys short. We also explained why they have to be in the car seat to them. Although they are young but eventually they will understand. Especially when they also see the adults buckling up.
Read moreTry putting him in the car seat for 5 to 10mins at home daily to let him get used to it. It could get a bit too warm if your baby is in the car seat for long. It depends on the material of your car seat. Try lowering down the aircon temp in the car or get a small fan for him & hang it on the car seat. You can also get him some of his favourite toys to accompany him throughout the journey.
Read moreThank you! Will try this :)
Could it be that the straps are too tight? My cousin had that issue and my niece stopped crying after that was adjusted. Otherwise, some of my friends suggested singing to the baby to help soothe him, or having some soft toys (like cloth books) to help keep him distracted (but nothing too small or hard that could end up being a potential choking hazard). Good luck!!
Read moreNo problem! Hope you find something that helps! Children are unpredictable like that.. Singing works for some of my friends, especially the songs their little ones are familiar with.
Does baby sit alone back in the passenger seat alone? If you are travelling with your partner, maybe one of you can sit behind with baby and distract baby with songs or a soothing voice. If you are alone in the car with baby, maybe get one of those toys you can attach to the car seat as a distraction? One of my friends have one of these car toys and his son loves them.
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I sit with him. He wants to cuddle with me and throws his toys after a few minutes.
Hope this article would help shed some light: http://thecarseatlady.com/keeping-your-kids-happy/ For distraction, what worked for my kid was to play children's songs from my hp and to fold simple origami for him to play with in the car seat (the paper is light so no worries about it hitting baby's head if there's an e-brake, as compared to hard and heavy toys).
Read moreThank you! :)
We noticed baby would cry in the car seat if engine (and aircon) is off, cause she would be way too warm. Try to switch on engine and air conditioner before putting baby in the back. :)
im facing the same issue was taught to let him cry. my aunt drove her ger out everyday from jurong to changi for a week. After tat no more crygg, she gt used to car seat.
Wow that's far. Haha. Can't stand him crying for so long :( it actually depends on his mood if he will stay put or not. So far toys are doing the trick :)
I will give my baby some toys to play with and also playing some music like kid's songs will help too
I can say it's a must train from young. I used to distract them with toys, storybooks, some songs and etc.
I use some toys to distract my lo ^^ then give her the toy to hold while I fasten the seat belt ^^
Mother of 1 rambunctious son