What type of toys will you introduce to a going to 4 mth old infant?

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Here are some suggestions for toys that are suitable for your baby at this age. Crib mobiles: Babies enjoy brightly colored objects – especially if they also move or make music. A crib mobile can make life more interesting for your baby. Lightweight rattles: Babies love making noise. Give your baby a rattle and watch her shake it up. Put on music with a strong beat – babies this age generally love music and are just learning to appreciate rhythm. Look for rattles made from sturdy materials (not thin, brittle plastic) and without small parts that your baby could swallow. Activity bars: These are bars fitted with plush or plastic toys that fit across an infant seat, car seat, or stroller. This means that on long car trips or stroller rides, your baby can occupy himself by exploring all the interesting, noisy objects in front of him. Soft stuffed animals and dolls: At this age, many children form an attachment to a doll or plush animal. Key criteria include soft and cuddly. You don't want anything with wire in the ears or tail – it could poke through the fabric and hurt your child. Also make sure your baby's dolls and animals have stitched-on features. Soft toys with plastic eyes and mouth are potential choking hazards. Also off-limits are bells, buttons, ribbons, and yarn that your baby can yank off and stuff into her mouth. Squeaky rubber toys: Anything a baby can grip and squeak is usually popular with this age group. These toys are perfect for the tub. Expect to hear these squeaks – and your baby's happy squeals – often. Board books: Reading to a child at any age will pay off. Board books are good for babies because these can withstand mouthing, drooling, and most other forms of baby love. Some board books even have different textures your baby can feel. Listening to your voice helps your baby develop an ear for the cadence of language. And varying the pitch of your voice using accents, singing, and vocalizing will make reading together much more interesting to your child. Colorful teething rings: When your baby has sore gums, there's nothing like gnawing on a firm rubber ring. Store teethers in the refrigerator to provide cold relief when your baby needs it, but never put them in the freezer. Such cold temperatures could hurt your baby's delicate gums and lips.

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