What's the symptoms of false alarm feels like??

Braxton Hicks contractions are the feeling of the tightening of your uterine muscles, which could feel more intense and last longer than cramps. These are false labour. Unlike actual labour contractions, they are irregular. To differentiate between the two, you just need to be familiar with the characteristics of true labour contractions, which are: - Contractions come at regular intervals, gradually getting closer and closer - Each contraction lasts about half a minute to over a minute - Contractions get stronger over time - Contractions persist despite lying down or resting - You can feel the contractions in other parts of your body like the back - You have contractions and your water has broken (Taken from: http://sg.theasianparent.com/difference-between-real-labour-and-braxton-hicks-contractions/) Every woman experience labour differently and for every pregnancy. As a guide, if you experience regular contractions every 10 mins or less, it is time to head to the hospital as you are likely going into labour.
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Tightening sensation or we call that prelabour warm ups. It's the body preparing itself for labour.
I'm having this tightening feels!!! For past 2 days. That's means I'm gonna go into labour soon??
Mom of 2 babygirls.