what are the steps when u bathe your bb? just write in brief will do. mine is 4 months old n I bathe her just like how I bathe her when she is 1mth old...

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My LO is 4mo too. 1) remove diaper & clean with wet wipes or wet cotton pad. 2) put him on the net in warm water bathtub 3) wash his hair with cetaphil shampoo and rinse with washcloth 3) using the same washcloth & cetaphil, continue to clean his neck, body, hands, legs, butt & private part. 4) dry him with towel. 5) Put new diaper. 6) massage him with cetaphil lotion & Yu Yi Oil 7) wear clothes 8) lastly, I use a separate washcloth to clean his gums, eyes, face & ear. Just to clean away the soapy water from the tub which might splashed onto his face.

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