5 Replies

For me, the pro is that it definitely got my baby interested in food! She's a tactile learner so she loves learning about things by touching them. She can sit with us at the dinner table (on a booster seat, of course) throughout the whole meal! At parties we host at home, sometimes she's first at the table and last to leave! Con is that it's REALLY MESSY. Food on the floor, flood on my dining chairs, food in her hair, on her clothes, etc etc. Another con is that she prefers using her hands to utensils so this can get quite embarrassing at restaurants or parties (like when she dunks her hand into the water glass to touch it)

It is a frustrating stage for some parents. It is a progressive stage for infants to start on semi solids. For me, it is a great stage where my baby learns strong oral motor skill; chewing, swallowing, spitting etc. they r at exploration stage. However, it might also mean a hair pulling moment for parents as they start to be careful with food allergens for their lo. Any food can be a trigger. Other than that, parents have to get used to mess in case bb spit out, spill, vomit out food. Key word- don't give up trying during weaning period.

there is only one con - that it will get messy. but that's what a baby apron/bib or a baby chair or food tray is for, right? :) the pros are many! it helped my kids to get more independent and curious about food, and it made them better eaters. also, it made it easier for us to all sit at the dining table as a family and that was the main highlight of the day.

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The only cons, mess! I can't tolerate the mess! That's my biggest struggle.

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