hey, What makes you think that you are really naughty.....!! Some got chance to show but some still not able to :)

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Yaa...i am naughty but when it comes to execution i lack somewhere.....i did try many things. One night i planned some naughty thing for her and brought WHIPS :)and put some candles in our room then after she saw all this planning she loved and was excited for upcoming.....that was one of the sexiest night......Such ideas will always increase bonding between Couple.....Lets see How naughty you all are !!

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let's see what makes you naughty for a change... did you get the chance to show that yet, or are you still waiting? maybe your response to your own question will give interesting ideas to others ;)

7y trước

i did gave my response, Lets C what's Urs Neeta :) and how much naughty you r

ur question itself is naughty :-)