I really think that confinement myths are horrible. What are some ridiculous confinement myths that you know of?

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no fan no aircon no bathing.. No water.. No shortsleeve no shorts.. All type of nonsense.. I almodt got depress when i heard that.. HOW CAN SUCH RULE APPLY IN THIS HOT PLACE LIKE SINGAPORE.. way too ridiculous...

7y trước

Yea i understand how u feel... Haha in the end i break all rules.. If second one.. I really dont want confinement.. I mean come on la.. This is Singapore.. You see those angmo .. they also no need confinement.. Just some passon rules and myth haha..

Thành viên VIP

No bathing, no plain water. It's ridiculous! Going out fully covered head to toe?! It's so hot and humid in sg weather!

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7y trước

well. they said it's meant for our own good. But i feel that, confinement is resting. Just rest whenever it's possible. The bathing and all doesn't play a part. It's hygiene. Improper hygiene will drive me insane. So sanity is more important esp during confinement when we are so easily affected by our emotions

No showering, no travelling, no moving about. Too many to mention.

No bathing!!!

no fan no aircon.

7y trước

never. I used aircon. I cant take it