What makes a mum a superhero?
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The mutiple role she plays after her office work as a daughter,daughter in law, wife, friend, sister, counselor, cook, doctor, teacher, maid, comforter and the list goes on
every mum is a superhero! The fact that you carried the pregnancy for 10months and then waking upteen times in the middle of the night, you are already doing a great job!
She doesn’t need to be perfect. As long as she knows her kids is happy, it’s all that matters
She doesn’t need to do anything special. Just loving her kids makes her one
For her selflessness and that she would put her child before her
Hardwork and patience. Undying love for kids and family
Being absolutely relentless in giving us the best.
All mother’s are superheroes 💪🏻❤️
Willing to sacrifice everything for her kids
Their selflessness in caring for their kids