4 Replies

I think it will be great but it again puts a different kind of stupid pressure on kids as well as parents (if at all they feel so). When we were growing up, one of my friends' parents were very cool. They would not interfere in their kids lives, when we were small, they had a manager who would take kids to tuitions, games classes or activities classes. Parents would also accompany them but not all the time. Later, in college, their parents would call up the son, and would say, 'Listen, the weather was nice, so we came for a drive and it is so nice up in the Hills, we will come back tomorrow and would say in a hotel." All this was so cool to sound. But, I saw that their parents have a very elite small group of friends and would not gel with regular parents and regular parents would look them at with such scathing eyes. I mean I don't know what all happened in their personal lives or they ever even bothered to think what others are thinking about them, but our parent's meeting with other parents would always be, "How can they behave like this in front of kids?" They would not mind having drinks in front of their kids, so this was such a controversial thing for others to digest. But as a kid, I would say, I simply adored my friend's super cool parents. They were good to talk to. Treated us well, sometimes, have long discussions over some topic and would treat us like adults. So, from a kid's perspective I would say it would be so cool to have cool parents. And I think if our society will be less judgemental and let them be free from phrases like, "This should be done this way and that way', then all of us can be cool.

It would be super cool for kids as well. ;) Well! Only if you have specified in detail as what super cool would mean! I mean if it means for toddlers that parents do not scold no matter how crazy thing skids do, and for teenagers if it means, that parents are fine with you having girlfriends or boyfriends and when in college they do not mind to know that you drink alcohol with your friends, and allow you to go on trips to Goa or Bali with your friends... I mean if parents are this cool, then it is also very important that parents are stern in inculcating right values in kids at the same time. If they let the kid have all the liberties but do not have an understanding with the kid, then kids can become brash and uncultured. I think one will have to maintain a balance while raising up the kids. I mean super cool parents should also mean that they are cool in their outlook towards things and issues, but at the same time should know that what all things are imperative and should not be compromised when it come to rearing up the child.

having and being super cool parents is always fun, whether in India or any other country. as a parent, who is pretty chilled out with her own kids, I'll only say that as long as the parents are able to maintain that balance between being super cool as well as being the guiding force they need to be, all should be great

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