What kind of pajamas is recommend for hospital stay after delivery? 1) 2 pieces pajamas with front button, long sleeve and long pant. 2) Normal pajamas without any front opening. 3) Dress type pajamas without front opening. I am thinking which one to buy for my hospital stay.

Hi I bought dress type pyjamas with front clips at the straps. It makes nursing easier as baby will want to latch almost every two hours initially. With buttons it is very troublesome. There are those pyjamas with nursing slits in front, I have not tried those as I feel the slit may still be too tight for latching and I will have to hold the opening. The ones with the front clips allow the top part of the dress to fall down easily for nursing or pumping. I also prefer dress because mine is abc sect. It makes going to the washroom easier as I don't have to keep pulling the pants up and worry the pants elastic band may affect the wound.
Read moreI think that you should think long term about what you want to wear at night at home. U will definitely want something that has front opening or can allow you to quickly access your boobs without stripping of everything. I delivered at TMC and in the end did not use any of my own clothes except for the clothes to wear home. Everyday they will bring u fresh hospital robes which was also bf friendly. Though not as pretty but time at the hospital passes very fast and unless you want to really look good and expecting a lot of visitors. I only had immediate family and 1/2 nuts or friends come in the 3 days i was there.
Read moreI wore the hospital robe. After delivering a baby and engorgement of breast plus stress from latching the baby correctly, I don’t think I still have the mood to care about what clothing to wear. Hospital robe easier to breastfeed.. if delivering via c sect, they will want to dress u up in their robe also becos they need to change u since hv to stay on bed for 1day. Won’t allow personal outfit.
Read moreWhat ever you want! Just think about the size of the waist band as you probably will not want anything too tight, and should have easy access for breastfeeding. Hospitals are very cold as they crank up the AC, but you'll have blankets too.
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I wore the hospital gown at TMC despite packing buttoned up pieces according to a packing list I followed. The hospital gown sufficed for me!
1)front button top long sleeve, easier to breast feed, if u want to save money... use the one hospital provided
Hospital will provide ma.. Why u need to buy?
Hospital has.. front button is good
I just wore hospital gown