Body changes
Hi , What kind of body changes are you experiencing 6 weeks into pregnancy. First time mummy..

For me it was sore nipples and tender breasts. I had to wear sports bra to sleep because it was so uncomfortable. Slight brush of the nipples hurt so much. Had to be extra careful while lathering soap on my chest. My breasts also felt different, fuller definitely. The dark line below the belly didn’t appear until 2nd tri. Stretch marks just starting to appear now that I’m in 3rd tri. 😭 My mom didn’t have stretch marks for all her 3 pregnancies so I took that for granted. So pleeeeeeeeeeease, moisturise your belly everyday while you’re still in 1st tri. Other than that I didn’t have any bleeding or brown discharge. Only clear discharge. Wasn’t peeing as frequently as some people in their 1st tri so I was quite lucky for that. Appetite wise, I lost 7kg in my first trimester because I couldn’t eat rice. Fatigue came in full blown at Week 9 onwards for me. Light-headed probably once in 2 weeks? Sex drive? Low to zero until about 2nd tri. Some people have very bad morning sickness but if you don’t experience any, don’t be alarmed. You’re just one of the lucky few! More discharge during 2nd tri onwards. Food cravings here and there 2nd tri onwards. Basically for me during 1st tri I went through body changes.. don’t take for granted that you won’t have skin pigmentation because you will! Mine was underarms slightly darker than usual and I was terrified because I am fair-skinned and I don’t have dark underarms. 😭😭 More peeing end of 2nd tri onwards. Baby bump started showing late 2nd tri which was about 6 months?
Read moreVery very very bad appetite
Sore breasts