First trimester symptoms

I am in week 6 of pregnancy right now but I don't feel much changes except for frequent stomach bloating. What kind of other symptoms do u have during this period of time? #firstbaby #1stimemom #pregnancy

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I might have already shown symptoms prior to finding out my pregnancy in Week 5 but I dismissed them as PMS, as I didn't want to keep my hopes up. 😆 Week 9 now, and my symptoms include very sore boobs, frequent urination (gotta wake up twice every night during my sleep), feeling hungry more often, specific cravings, bloating, gagging A LOT, puked a couple times, feeling tired very easily, feeling breathless from walking after a while, very emotional. 😆

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4y trước

Yep! I planned the first visit on Week 8 day 1 so that I could hear the heartbeats since in this forum, many said Week 8 onwards is best for first visit. Definitely felt super relieved and happy to have the pregnancy confirmed upon hearing the heartbeats :)

Not all expectant mothers will have symptoms. Some do, some don't and please know it's normal and nothing to worry about. I don't have any symptoms except for missed period when I was pregnant with my girl. I started with sore & tender breasts when I'm pregnant with my boy.

4y trước

Hahaha.. Yaya.. The elder generation look at the belly shape.. As long as baby healthy, mummy will be happy too 😉