5 Replies

VIP Member

As the baby is much larger than the placenta is, you won't feel pain pushing the placenta out. The placenta is also soft, squishy and can be pulled out by the gynae. I felt the stitches more because I only used laughing gas and didn't take an epidural. Overall, it's nothing to be freaked out about and something you probably won't even notice.

I can't feel any pain and didn't even notice when did the gynae pull out the placenta from me. I think it was also due to I was too tired and too concentrate on my newborn baby who lied on my chest. It takes about a few minutes to deliver the placenta: http://www.childbirthconnection.org/article.asp?ck=10515

I took epidural, so before the placenta was out, they jab me at my thigh. Like Diana, I didn't even notice that my placenta was out although I did hear the doctor say so. I was too distracted by the sight of my baby. I didn't even my stitches because I still felt the effects of epidural.

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