2nd Chance

What If you find out your other half is chatting online inappropriately (not sure if they met and had affair) while you are pregnant. Do you give him 2nd chances when he says its was the past (like 1mth ago chat) and want to move on? this pregnancy hadn't been easy for me. Been thinking, having a hella roller coaster emotions; anger sadness rage tired all together. I can't no longer trust him. been feeling used and being disapointed every time. So many times ive asked for a divorce but yet he still want to keep me (yet do all this thing to me). I feel like giving up but why am I having 50-50. We had a 1 year old now and soon a baby. Dilemma.

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I will be devastated too. Do take care of yourself and your baby.

Influencer của TAP

Talk to him give him a last chance for the sake of unborn child.