8 Replies

Super Mum

Perhaps he is a high need baby. High-need babies simply must be held most of the time in order to feel emotionally secure and fulfilled. There is no good way around this. No amount of “letting them cry it out” is going to change this instinctive need they have. What you can do is to baby carry him so that at least your hands are free.

My baby also like this! I even bought the motion swing thing. Last her only 10-15mins then cry again.. Currently she's 38days old.. I think there's no solution to stop her crying except to carry! Guess we should start using baby carriers. I've bought ring sling and Tula explorer carrier. Yet to try

VIP Member

Hi... you should try to refrain from carrying your child every time he demands for it. It will be painful for the first few times but he’ll learn

Hi, i wish i can be more strict to it too.. but he will just cry mentally. My heart pain when i see him cry like that

VIP Member

Try and refrain form carrying your baby everytime be cries. Dont worry it gets better as they grow older(:

VIP Member

We would baby wear! Then can least can get some stuff done while carrying baby at the same time.

It's a phase he's going through. Try babywearing!

Try watching "Super nanny" on youtube..

Try baby wearing :)

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