Expired milk for toddler

What happens if I give my toddler expired up opened milk? Expired by 3 months

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Hi~do be careful whenever u need to feed babies or toddlers. Always check for expiry dates before giving all kinds of food. After feeding toddler if he or she has no symptoms of diarrhoea or vomiting should be all right. But need to monitor for awhile.

Don't. I use expired milk in a great milk bath... add a few drops of Lavender essential oil and let the lactic acid devour your dead skin... Scrub really good, then rinse in warm shower... Skin is as soft as a baby's bottom.....

Thành viên VIP

Not advisable as there will be a risk of food poisoning.

please follow the instruction on the milk tin.

Thành viên VIP

Please don’t give your toddler expired milk.

Super Mom

Pls do not give expired milk to LO

No expired milk please.