Bath water

What happens if babies accidentally drink bath water or taste soap while bathing?

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Drinking soapy water could cause an upset tummy and, if your child drank enough of it, could make him throw up. But this is pretty unlikely since most kids spit water out if it has that unpleasant soapy taste. And the amount of soap your child would actually ingest is pretty small considering how much water it's diluted with in a typical bathtub.

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Super Mom

If it’s a litte bit and you’re using baby soap, it should be fine. Just feed baby normally, and monitor baby’s activity level:)

Thành viên VIP

It's ok. It's v common! I let my boy drink warm water after bathing n hopefully dilute anything he might have drunk!

Thành viên VIP

very common.. just monitor to see if baby shows any discomfort

Use baby safe products. Should be ok if the amount is little.

Hey, It is very common to happen. Just monitor the amount

Thành viên VIP

It’s fine if you are using baby bath wash :)

Super Mom

If baby has fever , dizzy , vomiting. See a&e

A bit is fine but keep observing please

It’s common. A little nvm one I think