baby overweight

What happen if doc say the baby is slighty over weight at 7mths pregnancy?

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When a baby is too large, it can cause complications during labor and birth, including injury to your baby. It also increases your chances of needing a c-section. Try to cut down on your intake of unhealthy food

Weight estimation nt 100% accurate. However having big baby increase likelihood of needing csec so if u aiming for natural birth try to keep within 3.5kg

If slightly it should be ok. Just eat a well balance diet food. If u drink the pregnancy milk, u cant try cut down on it and drink fresh milk too!

Super Mom

If you want to give birth naturally.. Then you have to try not to eat food that are high in sugar and don't drink pregnancy milk.

I tried to cut down on unhealthy stuffs and sugar. scared too big later need to c sect

Slightly overweight is fine actually Just make sure u don’t over eat from now on

Try to eat healthier cut down sugar. Stop drinking pregnancy milk

Doesn’t matter As Long healthy and all Nothing to worry

Hi, Please make sure of the food intake. It should be fine

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Thankful and Happy that my baby is growing well...

6y trước

So its okay for the bby to be slightly overweight from the supposedly range? Wont hv any effect on normal vaginal birth?