9 Replies

You can get picture or pop-up books for him. You can even get bath books for him. You can't a baby pool as well. How about some recreational toys that can help in boosting his mental skills. There is wide range of things available on Amazon. http://www.amazon.in/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=toys+for+2+years+kids&tag=googinhydr1-21&index=aps&hvadid=156086361801&hvpos=1t1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4969278493611720167&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007801&hvtargid=kwd-11018903542&ref=pd_sl_939djlbjl4_b http://www.toysrus.com/products/toys-for-2-4-year-olds.jsp http://www.mastermindtoys.com/2yrs.aspx

a cycle is definitely a good option as you mentioned he loves being in the outdoors. also, at this age, you can introduce him to more outside play options such as a basketball net and ball, cricket, trampoline and more. another great outdoor idea is a camping set that the entire family can enjoy with the little one!

he play cricket with me n his dad.. he play basket ball with me whenever we get time..

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If he likes to cycle it's good to invest! As i hardly have time to bring them out for outdoor fun. And my son happens to love minions. I came across minion playdoh at $10! So once the play dough turns dry, i can make my own play dough!

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hy cycle no doubt is a gud option..u can choose funskool games...educational laptop..u cn bring poetry cds...n stories vedio cds...play dough is again creative thing..mechanical games,block games,remote cars..etc..

i definitely think you can gift him a cycle now that comes with trainer wheels.. another great thing about an outdoor play idea is to get a football set which comes with a kid sized goal post...

No worries Anindita, if that's what he likes. I'll say good, keep up with it. It's tough on us parents though. I go through the same thing. Frankly there are days when I dread the outdoor.

You can give him a bicycle. But I'd say, interaction is important. They also need lots of outdoor to release the energy. You can also take him to the park, get some snacks and go for a picnic.

thank u so much for replying.. we used to go to park every weekend.. he enjoys a lot.. 😊

You can aptly give him cycle. In cycle there are so many variations....as in you can get a baby scooter, car or bike for him that works with remote. You can buy clothes for him too.

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