What are the fruits, vegetable, medicine, sea foods, meats etc a pregnant women should avoid, which can cause miscarriage?

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Hello Nazneen, while most fresh fruits, vegetables and freshly cooked foods are good to take during pregnancy, there are of course some exceptions. A very major health threat that can arise during pregnancy is caused by the listeria bacteria. It is found in unpasteurized milk. So you should definitely avoid having unpasteurized milk while you are pregnant. Seafood that is high in mercury should also be avoided. Sushi is comparatively high in its mercury content, so avoid it when pregnant. Raw and undercooked meats, such as deli meat and sausages also increase the chance of miscarriage due to the threat of listeria. Two fruits that are debatable about whether or not they cause miscarriage are pineapple and papaya, so it is best to avoid them while you are pregnant. Do make sure to speak to your doctor and know which foods are good to take and which ones you should absolutely avoid. All the best and wish you good health :) Read this article to find out about some more such foods to avoid http://healthandmindcare.com/top-10-miscarriage-causing-foods-and-drinks-to-avoid-in-early-pregnancy-1176.html

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Unripe papaya