Formula Milk for newborn

During transition of formula milk from Brand A to Brand B, it is recommended to give a ratio of 70%:30%. is it ok to continue with this ratio for long term? or am I strictly allowed to feed 1 brand of formula milk only?

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curious why u would want to stick to the 70 30 ration for long term? u are not strictly allowed to feed only 1 brand but people do that so that they’ll know if their babies are having any reaction to it, if u mix, u most probably wouldn’t know right? that said, u can feed more than 1 brand but give it awhile after u change to see how your baby reacts

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Super Mom

Is there any reason you want to stick to giving 2 brands long term? I don’t think it’s a no-no, but it’s certainly an unusual choice 😅 you’ll need to finish both opened tins within 1 month too

5y trước

Oh that's nice to know! thanks for comparing it. 🤩

Influencer của TAP

Can try nan or enfamil