Exercise In First Trimester

What exercise did you do in your first trimester? Was it something new you introduce or continued?

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I did mainly barre and yoga! The rule of thumb is, if you’ve been regularly exercising even before you got pregnant, you’re actually okay to carry on with the exercises you did previously except to avoid any contact sports or excessive cardio (anything that might increase your risk of falling). Never attempt anything new when you’re pregnant, it’s not the time to be experimental. If you have nausea or excessive exhaustion on any days, take it as a reason to excuse yourself from exercise or tone down the intensity a little. Listen to your body!

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I go to the gym almost everyday even before i got pregnant, doing heavy lifting and other metabolic conditioning activities. I'm 9 weeks pregnant now and I'm still doing the same, only with reduced weights and intensity. I think if you're not used to exercising before, you can start with light ones like body weight exercises.

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I am in my first trimester and i don't dare to do any exercises. 🤣 The most i did is go down for a walk. Better be caution and check with your doctor since everybody is different 💙

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Gynae said not to exercise in the first trimester and only start after 2nd as the pregnancy is not stabilise yet. He is a bit more kiasu. And 2nd trimester exercise is walk 30 mins everyday

You need to be more conscious during 1st trimester. My doctor suggest me normal walk and breathing exercises for 1st trimester.Better if you check with your doctor

I do strength training and yoga for 1.5h, 6 times a week prior to pregnancy, continued with yoga but cut down to 1h 4-5times a week

Just walking for First trimester and then started pre natal yoga in the 2nd. Try not to do any heavy lifting in the 1st trimester too!

I couldn't exercise in first trimester as my pregnancy was unstable. Best to do walks if your pregnancy is stable.

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I reduced a lot, especially avoided jumping and bouncing exercises. Squats and stretches are still safe

in first trimester the baby is still not stable in mom stomach,. you should eat healthy foods and avoid exercise