What's the difference between food allergies and intolerance ?

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How I see it, a food allergy is much more dangerous compared to a food intolerance. Food allergies cause an immune system reaction that affects numerous organs in the body, for example, when an allergic person eats peanuts and his airways get blocked. An allergic reaction to certain foods can be severe or even fatal. This is compared to food intolerance symptoms, which are generally less serious and often limited to digestive issues like upset tummy, diarrhoea.

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Food allergy is a real disease which occurs when our immune system reacts to a specific protein present in a food & wrongly considered as a invader & consequently it triggers a protective response. core foods that trigger allergies like milk, soya, fish nuts, peantuts. Food intolerance is due to enzymatic deficiency characterised by inability to completely digest some food components like gluten, lactose.

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