Difference ng Brazilian vs Rebond
What's the difference between a Brazilian blowout and rebonding?

A Brazilian Blowout is a long-term blow dry which smoothes out kinks, curls, waves and frizz and gives ultra-shine for 3-6 months. The treatment consists of amino acids and believed to improve the health and condition of the hair by creating a protective protein layer around the hair shaft. It will not completely straighten hair like rebonding, but it will give a more natural, tamed, and bouncy look, instead of the flatness associated with rebonded hair. Brazillian blowouts also take a shorter time compared to the 3-4 hours associated with rebonding. I have tried rebonding and honestly, I did not like it. A brazillian blowout sounds like something I would try.
Read moreThere are a few differences 1. Brazilian blow out is much faster (2 hours vs 4 hours of rebonding) 2. Brazilian blow out is much cheaper ($195 vs $288 for rebonding) 3. It's less damaging to the hair (seems like it will infact improve hair texture) 4. It lasts for about 3-4 months 5. You can immediately wash or tie up your hair without leaving marks behind You need to use sulphate free shampoo to help the blowout last longer.
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Hi mommy! The difference is that the Brazilian blow out lasts longer than rebonding does. It is a treatment for those with hair that is kinky or curly or unruly.
Brazilian blowout is a treatment for those with curly or kinky hair. It just straightens out your hair and unlike rebonding, is lasts longer.
Brazilian vs rebond, yung brazilian is treatment whereas yung rebond hair ay isstraight talaga yung hair mo.