bedroom color

what color you suggest for harmony peace love in bedroom. planning three colors

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Lavender. Lavender is the perfect shade of purple, as it still holds its regal presence, but doesn't overwhelm the room. ..

Thành viên VIP

I chose neutrals - like brown, beige and light grey. I feel that it is peaceful to look at but also romantic at the same time.

Thành viên VIP

Pastel - pink, blue & purple - soft and very relaxing colours

Super Mom

Shades of white, pearl, etc towards green or yellow hue

Thành viên VIP

light beige, tiffany blue/turquoise , light pink

White pink blue colour .no black colour allowed

Thành viên VIP

Pastel colors. Like pink blue and purple

Influencer của TAP

Pastel colours like pink blue purple

Super Mom

White, light blue and light pink