What can I give to my 5 month old to build up his immune system?

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Breast milk. No, seriously. It has a lot of antibodies which help to build his gut health and strengthen his immune system. I'm sure you don't intend to feed herbs to a baby below 6 months of age.. http://sg.theasianparent.com/how-to-strengthen-my-child%E2%80%99s-immunity/

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My son used to get sick often but after my friend introduce me G3 juice, it has improve his immune system. If you're interested to know more about the product. I am more than willing to share with you. PM me 97415544. :)

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Breastmilk is the best milk you can offer to your baby. If you are giving formula milk, you can offer more fruits and vegetables that are high in anti-oxidants such as blueberries to build up his/her immune system.

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Thumbs up to breast-milk! Also I used to take my baby out to the park and ensure that she gets adequate amount of sunlight and fresh air. Nature is an excellent immune simulator.

Yeah! Breastmilk. :) It is still the most potent source of vitamis/nutrients needed by the baby.
