4 Các câu trả lời

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If that online store earns but only prob is the shipping items maybe shifting to a courier that picks up [from your place] and delivers [to the customers] will do the trick. My sister has been running her online shop as well for months now and find Fastrack an awesome courier. All you need is register an account book the pick up sched and delivery takes place the next day. You may check their website here: http://www.fastrack.ph/ Hope it will work for you too! :)

If you have a bigger capital, why don't you try purchasing franchises? There are a lot of options to choose from and some companies even manage to provide a strategic location if ever you don't prefer one. I'm planning to have a business, too, but I'm still deciding what it will be. Kudos to your new venture!

There are some ideas here that might work for you: https://ph.theasianparent.com/12-home-based-jobs-stay-home-moms/ An idea would be to hire a few graphic artists or english teachers and have them do online work while you look for clients for them!

i want the virtual assistant but i couldn't find a company :(

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