What are things I can do now that my baby is 9 months old, to ensure that she doesn't become a brat?

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Traditionally, it is believed that spoilt brats emerge because of parents' guilt. Parents who are always busy at work or single parent households tend to overcompensate when they do spend time with their kids, giving in to all their whims and fancies. In the long run, this can breed bratty behaviour. However, this is not always true, I have seen parents who spend ample time with their kids and end up mollycoddling them, jumping in almost immediately all the time to help their kids. This can lead to an unhealthy dependence on parents and another type of bratty behaviour. That being said, I reckon being firm, moderate and drawing boundaries when you have to can help cultivate better behaviour. In my opinion, the spoilt brat emerges gradually when parents don't draw lines and are firm and consistent about yes-no matters. For example, you refuse to let your child eat something unhealthy for breakfast, but one day, out of sheer exhaustion (or something else), you allow your child to have a cookie. http://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/discipline/tips/are-you-raising-a-spoiled-brat/

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