What are some newborn baby’s hunger cues i should lookout for?

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Like what the rest mentioned, watch out for the early, mid and late cues. Some active cues include: - Rooting around on the chest of whoever is carrying him - Trying to position for nursing, either by lying back or pulling on your clothes - Fidgeting or squirming around a lot - Hitting you on the arm or chest repeatedly - Fussing or breathing fast (taken from: http://www.bellybelly.com.au/baby/baby-hunger-cues/) Just as important are cues that your baby is full: - Starts and stops feeding often, taking only a few sucks each time. - If breastfeeding, will unlatch often. - Slows down pace and may fall asleep while feeding. - Spits out or ignores nipple. - Fidgets or easily distracted while feeding. (taken from: https://www.gerber.com/birth/articles/your-babys-hunger-fullness-cues)

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